Bouchra Bounoua
Biography of instructor/staff member #1
• Learn to build your own machine learning system with this example-based practical guide
• Get to grips with machine learning concepts through exciting real-world examples
• Visualize and solve complex problems by using power-packed R constructs and its robust packages for machine learning
With powerful features and packages, R empowers users to build sophisticated machine learning systems to solve real-world data problems.
This video course takes you on a data-driven journey that starts with the very basics of R and machine learning. You will then work on three different projects to apply the concepts of machine learning. Each project will help you to understand, explore, visualize, and derive domain- and algorithm-based insights.
By the end of this course, you will have learned to apply the concepts of machine learning to data-related problems and solve them with help of R.
All the code and supporting files for this course are available on Github at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/R-Data-Analytics-Projects
Add information about the skills and knowledge students need to take this course.
Biography of instructor/staff member #1
Biography of instructor/staff member #2
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